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Susan Baker Elliott's Faith Journey



We were very blessed today to speak to Susan on the phone today and catch up for over an hour. I did not know when we began our project here of sharing our life stories together just how close we would feel to each other as we read the stories. I hope all of you will go ahead and write and send us your story, long or short. It really cannot be too simple. It is your life, and we all find that of great interest. (Send to

In her memoir below, Susan does not give details regarding her being kidnapped on April 6, 1979, but she has attached a blog where she tells the story. It is amazing how you cannot help but give the Lord thanks for looking over one of our classmates and loved ones some forty-one years ago. We will share some of her blog here on this site later, Lord willing. You cannot read that blog without tears and feeling as if you are riding right along in the car that frightful day with our good friend and wanting to hold her hand and say, "It's going to be all right." And it was.

We are so thankful today for all of you and for the Lord's blessings that have brought each to this place. ~ And thanks Susan for your amazing story and faith! sb

(Note: When you open the blog, scroll down until you see Susan's first installment, then move up to read all four.)

Chapter 6 of Memoirs of the Class of '74


Susan Baker Elliott


I have known that I wanted to write this but couldn’t think of exactly what I wanted to say. Fifty years is a lot to cover in a short space. And then I read this quote and knew instantly what to write. 


“If you go to Jesus, he may ask of you far more than you originally planned to give, ----but he can give you infinitely more than you dared ask or think.”


Timothy Keller


I came to Christ at a young age and knew I wanted to live for Him; but never, ever did I dream of all that He would ask or give! I have had many adventures – both good and bad – as I am sure we all have had. The highlights, even to me, are a little shocking at times as I look back over this past half of a century. 


Here are some special, and some unusual, things that God asked of me.


1. One month before I was to marry, I was kidnapped. I was held for twenty-one long hours. This one thing impacted my life in ways I never would have expected. It was a force that changed who I was and who I have become. Looking back, these were all positive things. In case you want to read about it, I have a blog that tells the story….



2. Our house burned three weeks before our first child was due. We had owned it only for two months and were in the house asleep at the time the fire started. It didn’t completely burn down, but we couldn’t live in it. We felt so blessed that we were able to build it back, even better than before. 


3. We have a son who lived on the streets of Atlanta as a homeless man. God wanted him to know what it was like to depend solely on Him, and He certainly taught my husband and me the same thing. That was for six weeks, the hardest six weeks of my life! We had no way of knowing where he was or if he were alive until he would call us. This same son, his wife, and four children now live in the Amazon Jungle with an indigenous people group as missionaries. 


4. A tornado touched down across the street from our house without affecting our property at all! 


5. I have lost both of my parents and my father-in-law. 


6. And most recently, I watched my husband go from a vibrant, active man to one who could barely walk and could be  in excruciating pain in a blink of an eye. I don’t dare complain because it could be much worse, and we are thankful that he is making a great recovery from back surgery.


Now for the things that God has given to me that I didn’t dare ask for…


1. I married a man who has stood by me and cared for me for forty-five years now. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband!


2. God gave us four beautiful children and their spouses who all love God and serve Him in many ways. And so far, we have eight beautiful grandchildren from two of our children, and we hope for more! 


3. God has blessed us with the ability to work and grow in every way possible! 


4. We have the best friends and family one could ask for. And we have different ministries that we are able to be a part of. 


5. We have the pleasure of being a part of our children’s lives by spending time with each of them and their families and spouses, visiting them in their homes and they in ours. We are blessed that they actually want to spend time with us! I don’t take that for granted! 


6. Our biggest journey yet was to the Amazon Jungle for four weeks last fall. Of course, that is NOT a place I would ever have chosen to go, or thought about going, not until our son asked if we would come see them where ever they served! “Of course!” was my immediate answer! You can imagine my feelings when I realized it would be to the Amazon Rain Forest—and not the site where many tourists visit today but the remote part where you have to fly in by a small single-engine plane with a grass runway! But, oh, the excitement of being there and meeting the people they serve— and seeing our children and grandchildren thrive in their new home. Part of my heart is still there!


Ask me about my pictures, but only if you have a few hours! LOL 


When I was in high school, I never could have dreamed of what my life would be like. I loved being at LHS. I had great friends and many good times there. I am so grateful for the relationships that I have developed with many of you because of social media. I cherish that! I am thankful to share faith with many of you, as well as laughs, sadness over losses, and, oh, so many memories! 


Thank you, Steven, for this opportunity to share my life with you all! And to sum it up, I would leave you with two worship songs that I love that can explain in words what I can’t.


Christ alone is the reason that I have been able to allow the things that I was called to endure to make me a stronger person and not a bitter person. Christ is the reason that I love my life. My prayer is that you know Christ to be your reason, too! 


My Story by Big Daddy Weave



If I told you my story

You would hear hope that wouldn't let go

And If I told you my story

You would hear love that never gave up

And If I told you my story

You would hear life but it wasn't mine

If I should speak then let it be




Of the grace that is greater than all my sin

Of when justice was served and where mercy wins

Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in

To tell you my story is to tell of Him


If I told you my story

You would hear victory over the enemy

And if I told you my story

You would hear freedom that was won for me

And if I told you my story

You would hear life overcome the grave

If I should speak then let it be




This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long


Never Walk Alone by Hillsong Worship




 Your heart is for me

Your ear is listening

I’m safe in Your love

Your army of angels

Watch over me


You’re always present

You’re always with me

For all of my life

Your favour has followed

You’re my covering


I have never walked alone

I’ve never been abandoned

You are my inheritance

You are my strength and shield

And I have confidence

You go before me

You’re my deliverer

I know I never walk alone


You’re always faithful

You’re strong and able

I’m lifting my head

In You I find help

You’re my providence


Every hour

Every minute

You have always been there

You are faithful

And You always will be

In every triumph

Every failure

You are loyal to me

You are faithful

And You always will be


I hope that you listen to these on YouTube if you aren’t familiar with them. They will bless your heart! 

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